Lokal Babes | Blue Mountain Tea Co.
WORDS: Stef Richardson + PHOTOS: Alyssa Joline Photography
Hey you! If you’re a tea lover, the Blue Mountain Tea Co. in Collingwood, ON is your one-stop shop for all your tea needs. Katherine (Owner) has recently underwent a mini renovation (for easy and safe shopping) and has managed to keep the store packed with a wide selection of loose leaf tea, filters, pots + fun accessories. I tell ya, she’s a gem. Katherine is such a wonderful human, always keeping it real and keeping the enthusiasm high. She loves this little town and all the residents and visitors that pop in ~ it shows on her big smile. We’ve always had meaningful conversations and her presence in the town is SO appreciated.
My current fave: Yogi’s Cacao Bliss w/ almond milk. Think turmeric, ginger, cacao latte.
Check out Blue Mountain Tea Co. on Instagram here or visit her in shop to browse the goods in person. Read on for a short Q+A with K.
What are 2-3 things most people wouldn't know about you? I ride a horse and a motorcycle, am fluent in french and….was a professional CFL Cheerleader (after being super shy and bookish through most of high school)
What is your go-to tea? With caffeine - Up and at Em Puerh/black tea/orange vanilla blend. Without caffeine - Yogi’s Cacao Bliss in a latte with oat milk yummm!
Summer is finally here! Do you have any products that will be super delicious iced or mixed in a cocktail? All of our fruit blends are super as iced tea or cocktail mixers. We also love icing our Mutan Kir Royal (white tea/raspberry champagne blend) and mixing it with Prosecco.
It's late, the sun is setting, and you're at a chip wagon. What do you order? Where the heck is the ice cream truck??? But if we’re at the chip wagon and they have sweet potato fries I’m all in. Wouldn’t say no to regular fries with gravy either.
What makes Collingwood special to you? If we’re talking about the actual town of Collingwood, it’s the people - I know, hokey answer but really, this community is incredibly supportive of small businesses. I’ve had a beautiful ride in my store over the last 5 years thanks to the people who’ve become my community - from the employees I’ve hired who’ve helped shape my business with their energy and different talents, the customers that have come through the door and the other small business owners and entrepreneurs who are working together to build a beautiful destination. The access to nature is also so special - I have a hard time not doing something active every day. In the summer I’m on the water or hiking/mountain biking on the back roads and forests and in the winter, downhill and cross country skiing + snowshoeing.
Website: https://www.bluemountainteaco.com/