Lokal Babes | Primitive Patterns
WORDS: Stef Richardson + PHOTOS: Alyssa Joline Photography
I can’t say enough about these dudes! The Primitive Patterns crew has 10000% changed the way I see moving my body. It’s an investment, a commitment, and a whole new type of love to explore. Amidst this pandemic, these lads came through with an amazing virtual workout program that kept me tuned in as i awaited summer. Although they aren’t back at sunset doing the usual programming (aka kicking our butts with battle ropes), the Primitive Patterns team has brought on some new offerings that are worth checking out; personal one-on-one training sessions and outdoor sessions (coming soon!). Check out their website here.
The continuous encouragement and good vibes that PP shares with their community is something that sets makes them unique and a true force. As a part of their collective, I feel challenged, supported and straight up inspired. Inspired to show up for the workout, hit that last rep, make better choices and simply move my body ~ for physical + mental health benefits. Efficient movements, focused breath work and a healthy mindset - all components of a solid session with Primitive Patterns.
PS. Jake + Josh will be enduring an epic 32km swim on August 14th in Georgian Bay to raise funds for youth mental health ~ through an organization they cherish, Jack.org. They’ll be dipping in on Christian Island around 3am and finishing their final stroke at the Collingwood Harbour around 6pm. If you can donate, check out their page here: https://bit.ly/32pH3OW. If not, come on by and congratulate them on accomplishing a day of endurance, determination and heart. As Cole would say “Let’s GOOOO”.
Check em’ out, seriously! I’m thinking there are big things to come. I sure hope so ~ they deserve it.
Read on for a short Q+A.
If you could have dinner with any person dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Luke: Muhamud Ali. I think he was the greatest athlete of all time and a true renegade! He challenged the status quo and always stuck to what he believed in - a true warrior and activist.
What is your favourite way to unwind after a busy work week. Could be a special local place, fave activity etc.)
Everyone: Favourite place to unwind after a busy work week is on the trails around town. We love mixing in a nice morning cup of joe and then hitting the trails for a day of movement and sunshine.
Top 3 books of all time?
Cole: Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Luke: The Icarus Deception
Josh: The Alchemist
How did Primitive Patterns get started? What is the glue that connects your crew and keeps you striving for bigger and better things?
There is no one defining moment that we can pinpoint as the beginning. We as a group have always had passion for health, fitness, adventure and self-improvement and it was only a matter of time before we channeled our passion to create experiences that would help others get the most out of their human experience too. What was once a blog morphed into free community workouts and slowly but surely primitive patterns has organically grown into what it is today. The glue that connects us as a team is brotherhood. Every guy involved has a deep rooted friendship and respect for one another and we get to live out our passion through what we offer as a company. We keep striving for more because we believe in what we do and genuinely believe that the way we will change the world is by helping others expand their human potential and become the best versions of themselves. A guiding principle for us as a team is the concept referred to as ‘Kaizen’. As a team we seek continuous improvement and we hold each other accountable to living out that principle in our day to day life.
What is your favourite quote + how does it apply to you or mean something sentimental?
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
This quote by Theodore Roosevelt means a lot to our team because we always want to be in the arena, living out our passion and spending our life doing work that we find meaningful. We will not let the fear of failure paralyze us from continuing to move forward.
Fave comfort meal that'll never get old?
Everyone: Pizza!
Check them out @primitivepatterns