Lokal Babes | Beauty Spot
WORDS: Stef Richardson + PHOTOS: Alyssa Joline Photography
The ladies at the Beauty Spot deserve my slow claps. Owners Olivia Legate and Catherine Dugas have opened the cutest little beauty studio to downtown Owen Sound and I’m in love! It’s worth the drive for all your aesthetic needs ~ be it brow shaping, eyelash extensions, or gel manicures. I’ve got a set of super bushy eyebrows that need a lil taming from time to time and these ladies know what’s up. The space is clean and decorated with the right amount of on-brand touches, making you feel fresh, pampered and relaxed. I’ve also never walked out of there with BOMB brows so thank you for making me feel like a queen.
You know when you meet people and think, dangggg…can we hangout more? That’s how I felt when I met these two. They’re the kind of humans you can be yourself around and that’s honestly the best feeling. Great listeners, beautiful inside + out and they are a huge fans of Casero nachos so, there’s that!
Check out the Beauty Spot on Instagram here or visit their website for full list of services offered. Read on for a short Q+A with Olivia and Catherine.
1. What's your favourite part about your job?
O + C: Our job gives us freedom that we’ve never had before. We’ve been able to create a space and tailor it to be exactly what we want it to be. It’s super empowering to bring something you’re passionate about to life and not only share it with people but then in turn be supported by those in your community. Plus we constantly get to meet and have interesting conversations with cool people who inspire us to keep going.
2. Tell us your favourite memory that you have together!
O + C: We actually have gotten into a habit of keeping an ongoing list of hilarious stories on our phones so we don’t forget them. We have become really elaborate party planners within our friend group and thrown a few great parties (pre-COVID, of course). Some of our favourite memories have come out of those nights… spending hours prepping, making decorations, and then watching our hard work come to life as our friends have an amazing time. If we hadn’t gotten into the beauty industry, we would have made fantastic party planners.
3. Friday night in. What movie/snack combo are you picking?
O: I’m definitely the salty person out of the two of us. Chips are my go to… usually something sweet & savoury - BBQ or Ketchup is a safe bet for me.
C: I’m a sucker for all the sour candy. Our movie pick is an easy one… it’s always Harry Potter.
4. If you could plan a local day-trip - where would you go and what would you do? (feel free to name a few spots you're wanting to hit up)
O + C: We’ve actually been talking about planning a day-trip to Thornbury for ages now. There are so many spots on our list to hit up… Good Grief for coffee in the morning, Georgian Artisan Shop and Gather Grocery for a little shopping before heading to Thornbury Village Cider & Brew House for an afternoon drink, and finally Bruce Wine Bar for dinner to polish the day off.
5. Fave thing about living in Owen Sound?
O: Definitely the geographic location. It’s really nice to be so close to the beach, the Bruce Peninsula and yet still just a few hours from the city. It makes me feel like I have access to everything I need while getting to enjoy the benefits of living in a small town.
C: I’m new-ish to Owen Sound so I still have so much to explore but I have to say living by the water has been such a soothing change after living in major cities for the last few years. Hearing the waves of Georgian Bay at night puts me right to sleep.
6. What advice would you give young entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting their own business?
O + C: We come from a generation of such capable young people who have been faced with a number of employment obstacles that are out of our control. After years of working for other people, we decided to take charge and make our own career path. It’s a lot of work but it’s within reach for anyone with a passion who’s willing to work hard to see successful results. Support and connect with local business owners in your area. We’ve had eye opening conversations with other entrepreneurs who speak from experience and give us advice. There are also a ton of free resources out there like local business centres and grants for startups that are incredibly helpful.
7. Go-to favourite beauty products?
O: As far as skin care goes, I’ve always been impressed with the Eminence line. I love fruity scents plus their products are organic and made up of biodynamic ingredients. I’m a big Smashbox fan when it comes to makeup, specifically their concealers, liners, and mascaras. Fenty Beauty is great for foundation, powder, and glosses. Finally, I like a bold lip so Stila’s All Day Liquid Lipstick is a must for me.
C: I try to keep makeup pretty minimal with my eyelash extensions so I’m a big Glossier enthusiast (although I do love Benefit Cosmetics’ Hoola Matte Bronzer for a little colour and dimension.) They make really simple, easy-to-use products that are cruelty-free. My skin is quite dry and textured so I swear by their Solution skin exfoliator and Priming Rich Moisturizer and I always have Haloscope on in the shade Moonstone to highlight. Liv and I both love Balm Dotcom for the lips. Cherry and Birthday are our go-tos, respectively.
Website: https://www.heybeautyspot.com/